ASPI's Women in Defence and Security Network's Informal Networking
ASPI's Women in Defence and Security Network (WDSN) is pleased to be holding its next networking event at the Hotel Kurrajong!
Hosted in Canberra, this event provides a unique opportunity for individuals working in defence, national security and foreign policy to network in a relaxed environment. The event is open to people working at all levels of government, industry and academia, and is free to attend. This event will be in partnership with Deakin University, who is hosting 27 officials from across Indonesia’s security related agencies for a course on Women in Leadership in the Security Sector.
The course, part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s highly regarded Australia Awards Indonesia program, is designed to empower women in security and defence. Course members will gain skills and knowledge to increase women’s participation and leadership in their respective agencies by benchmarking policies, and sharing best practices and lessons learned between Australian and Indonesian agencies.
If you are interested in meeting with professionals from both Indonesia's and Australia's security and defence networks, please join us on October 2 at the Hotel Kurrajong courtyard.
ASPI’s WDSN is committed to supporting women seeking to build their networks in the defence, foreign policy and national security community, and is focused on developing - and retaining - a diverse pipeline of talent in national security. While the network has a focus on supporting women to build their networks, we welcome and encourage all interested individuals to attend, participate and lead on these important issues.