Nuclear Strategy Masterclass
Speakers: Dr Brad Roberts & Distinguished Panel
The ASPI Nuclear Strategy Masterclass is a one-day intensive training program delivered by a team of leading defence and security experts.
The Masterclass will provide an in-depth understanding of the current issues dominating the complex field of nuclear strategy. We’re witnessing the emergence of a new nuclear age, characterised by great-power nuclear modernisation, higher levels of nuclear latency and—probably—more nuclear players, a growing need to strengthen existing deterrence and assurance arrangements, and fresh efforts to ban the weapons altogether. Many of the traditional debates about nuclear strategy are reappearing in a new guise. But they’re accompanied by a new set of debates, concerning Asia’s nuclear order, cross-domain deterrence and nuclear terrorism.
The Masterclass is intended to be a training opportunity for those who work on nuclear strategic issues or aspire to do so.
- Senator David Fawcett, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
- Dr Brad Roberts, Director, Center for Global Security Research and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Missile Defense Policy
- Professor Benjamin Schreer, Head of Department, Department of Security Studies and Criminology, Macquarie University
- Dr Michael Clarke, Associate Professor, National Security College
- Mr John Carlson AM, Counselor, Nuclear Threat Initiative and Nonresident Fellow at Lowy Institute for International Policy
- Dr Rod Lyon, Senior Fellow, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
- Dr Andrew Phillips, Associate Professor of International Relations and Strategy, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland
- The Hon Kim Beazley AC, Distinguished Fellow, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
- Mr Peter Jennings, Executive Director, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
- Mr Marc Ablong, First Assistant Secretary, Naval Shipbuilding Taskforce, Strategic Policy and Intelligence, Department of Defence
- Dr Benjamin Zala, Research Fellow, Department of International Relations, Australian National University
- Dr Doug Kean, Office of National Assessments
- Ms Jasmin Craufurd-Hill, Executive - Women in Nuclear Australia and Women in Nuclear Global, Director, Institute for Regional Security