Women in conflict and protest: A conversation on protecting human rights and strengthening peace and security
Speakers Shaharzad Akbar, H.E. Pernille Kardel, Maryam Zahid, Sophie McNeill, Ms Gai Brodtmann, Mon Zin and Nos Hosseini
For this year’s International Women's Day, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute is hosting a public panel event on women, peace and security, with a focus on women's experiences of conflict and the role of women in protest movements. Women are often on the front lines of protest movements, so it is important to highlight their pivotal role in advocating for social change, including, for example, in the conflict in Myanmar and in the protests we have seen in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover.
It is widely accepted that women bear particular costs when they are involved in conflicts and protest movements, from threats or experience of sexual violence, through to the impact on families and households in which they are the primary caregiver and manager of day-to-day responsibilities. Equally, it is known through extensive studies that when women are involved in conflict resolution and peace negotiations, the peace and stability that follows is significantly more likely to be successful and enduring. Discussion of women in conflict and protest is therefore critical both from the perspective of protecting human rights and ensuring peace and security are given the best possible chance.
Speakers include:
- Shaharzad Akbar, Executive Director, Rawadari رواداری, former Chairperson, Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission
- Her Excellency Ms Pernille Kardel, Ambassador of Denmark to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji
- Mon Zin, Founding member of Global Myanmar Spring Revolution, member of Women Activists Myanmar (WAM) & Myanmar Diasporas Community (Sydney)
- Maryam Zahid, Director, Afghan Women on the Move
- Sophie McNeill, Australia Researcher, Human Rights Watch
- Gai Brodtmann, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (moderator)
The event will focus on the resilience and dedication of women to protect, defend and strengthen society, and how women have been mobilising across the world to fight against repression and for freedom.
To attend the event online, register here.
To attend in person, register via the ‘register’ button above.