26 August 2016
Securing Cyberspace: International and Asian Perspectives
By Liam Nevill and Cherian Samuel and Munish Sharma.
This edited volume contains the papers presented at the 18th Asian Security Conference at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses held in February 2016. The authors, drawn from government, law enforcement, diplomacy, private sector, armed forces and academia, examine a range of issues central to cybersecurity. The chapters in this volume not only provide an outline of the journey so far, but more importantly, give indicators of future trends in cybersecurity from the vantage point of the respective experts.
Contributions from Asia are particularly highlighted to promote and provoke greater discussion on perspective from within the region on cybersecurity issues.
Chapter 16: Challenging Opportunities for the Asia-Pacific’s Digital Economy
Liam Nevill
Liam Nevill emphasises that cyberspace can be a force-multiplier in tackling the many problems of the Asian region: from lowering traditional barriers to development and providing access to health and education resources.
It provides an easy way for the advanced economies to help the less developed, in the process improving connectivity as well. However, none of this would be possible without a stable and secure cyberspace. Without confidence in the security of personal data and financial information, consumers will hesitate to engage with digital commerce.
Cybercrime has to be tackled at a regional level with states being provided the resources to engage in capacity building as well as sharing information. Nevill argues that harmonising regulatory and legislative measures will help in not only combating cybercrime but also enable and incentivise the formation of a regional digital economy.
By: Cherian Samuel and Munish Sharma. (Chapter by Liam Nevill)