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SPI DC Roundtable with Australian Secretary of Defence, Greg Moriarty

ASPI DC Roundtable with Australian Secretary of Defence, Greg Moriarty

On 19 January, ASPI DC’s Director Adam Leslie had the pleasure of hosting Australian Secretary of Defence, Greg Moriarty, for a roundtable discussion at the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC on 19 January.

The event centered on the nexus between Australian Defence policy and private investment in military infrastructure for force projection, deterrence, and preparedness in the Indo Pacific; natural resources under DPA Title III; and dual-use technology and innovation. Also in attendance were Australian and American private investors with a keen interest in this domain.

The gathering solicited a productive discussion about the importance of growing and maintaining strong partnerships between Defence and private entities focused on shared strategic interests. The ASPI DC team received positive feedback from attendees who hope to continue this dialogue further.

Left to Right: Australian Secretary of Defence Greg Moriarty, ASPI DC Director Adam Leslie, Deputy Head of Mission for the Embassy of Australia Paul Myler

Left to Right: Australian Secretary of Defence Greg Moriarty, ASPI DC Director Adam Leslie, Deputy Head of Mission for the Embassy of Australia Paul Myler.