03 Oct 2023
Congressional Staff Program on Australia
From 3 October through until 3 November 2023, ASPI DC partnered with the East-West Center to deliver a bipartisan educational certificate program for congressional staffers, with a focus on Australia in the Indo-Pacific, and how it relates to the Australia-US bilateral alliance.
The series took place over six sessions, with a reception hosted at the Australian Embassy to formally close the program.
Session 1: Australia & its place in the world
Session 2: The evolution of the US-Australia Alliance and relationship
Session 3: The return of great power competition: China’s influence on regional dynamics in the Indo-Pacific
Session 4: US-Australia regional security and trade engagement
Session 5: US-Australia engagement with Asia & the rise of minilateralism in the region
Session 6: US-Australia engagement in the Pacific islands
The program included participation from senior individuals from across the Australian government, defense, industry and academia to provide informed and expert perspectives for the congressional staffers engaged in the program.