Marc Ablong PSM
Visiting Senior Fellow
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Marc Ablong is a Visiting Senior Fellow with the ASPI Defence, Strategy and National Security Program.
Marc joined the Department of Defence in 1993 after an earlier career in the finance and banking industry. During his 25 years with Defence, Marc held positions in capital equipment & acquisition policy, international policy, military strategy, maritime capability development, Air Force long-range planning, national support and mobilisation planning, information strategy and futures, strategic reform, and strategic policy. Marc was Chief of Staff of the 2009 Defence White Paper Team, providing strategic advice and support to the Principal Author. He was appointed First Assistant Secretary Ministerial and Executive Coordination and Communication in 2011.
In 2014, Marc was chosen to lead the development of the 2016 Defence White Paper, Integrated Investment Program and Defence Industry Policy Statement. Following the release of the White Paper, Marc was appointed as the inaugural First Assistant Secretary Contestability, and subsequently held roles as First Assistant Secretary Naval Shipbuilding Taskforce, First Assistant Secretary Defence Industry Policy, and acting Deputy Secretary Strategic Policy and Intelligence.
Marc Ablong PSM was promoted to Deputy Secretary in the Department of Home Affairs in 2018. To deliver on the Home Affairs vision of a prosperous, secure and united Australia, over the last five years Marc has had responsibility for strategic guidance and capability planning; immigration policy; law enforcement policy; data policy; electronic surveillance reform; regional processing and resettlement; intelligence; critical and emerging technology policy; cyber security; national resilience and strengthening democracy. In May 2023, Marc commenced a senior visiting fellowship with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, to pursue national security related research. He remains a Deputy Secretary in the Department of Home Affairs.
Marc has attended the Joint Services Staff College (1997), the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies (2002) and completed the Advanced Management Program 190 (2016) at the Harvard Business School. Marc was awarded the Public Service Medal in the Australia Day Honours 2018.